Trueman Williams Fingered (Ozzy Hardbone)

  • Duration: 9:08
  • Views: 667
  • Added: 10 months ago
Description: The flirty straight guy is back. I wasn't sure if he would be back, but had lots of requests to have some longer shots of his very hairy aas crack on his naturally smooth body. The natural bush is still there too. Today I found out that he likes it when girls play with his tight little straight boy asshole. In goes my fat finger for some deep plunging, he tries to act nonchalant about it, but he admits after he cums thick and hard that it made him cum harder and faster.

Trueman Williams

Age: N/A
Body: N/A
Height: N/A
Hair: N/A
Weight: N/A
Eyes: N/A
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